Saturday August 17, 2013 – Sunday August 18, 2013
Facilitated by Alex Patchett-Joyce
Can you remember when life was good and everything was filled with wonder? When you had a natural exuberance, you’d bounce out of bed in the morning and go about your day full of joy? Somehow all that changed; maybe life started to become a bit of a drudge, or relationships got more difficult, or your sense of happiness seemed out of your hands.
Join us for this 2-day inspirational workshop with Psychology of Vision trainer Alex Patchett-Joyce. With her help and guidance you can understand and remove any blocks to regaining that shining state. Alex facilitates her workshops with the fun, ease and zest for life she has regained through using this model in her own life.
Psychology of Vision is self development at its very best – it offers profound lasting change.