January is a bright month in spite of the obstacles and circumstances that seem to abound. There is a new surge of optimism and enthusiasm. For those who aren’t experiencing this newfound energy there is a call for a great deal of forgiveness and blessing of others. Only this helps people and situations unfold toward the truth. You can help or hinder and your own happiness or lack of it shows whether you have been helping or are a part of the problem. When you are stressed or think you have to do everything yourself it is based on secret unworthiness and trying to establish your importance. It is a calling for attention and trying to build specialness rather than joy. Joy comes from joining and the giving and receiving that dissolves separation. It is a sharing that brings abundance rather than the scarcity that comes of competition and separation which is what the ego is built on.
The wave is rising. Take advantage of this flow to move with the Tao as it unfolds. Only your judgment dictates otherwise as judgment throws you into sacrifice while trying to make you superior. To move with the flow when it rises and not resist the tide when it is ebbing is the key to good timing and good luck. It also helps maintain your stamina when you are not resisting what is happening. To judge and resist what is happening drains you and your own unfolding stops though in some rare circumstances you may be called to stop evil by resisting it. Yet most of the time your resistance simply reinforces the negative because by fighting it you are making what is negative more than just an illusion. Fighting is a strong negative reinforcement both in regard to such beliefs in yourself as well as to the situation. Forgiveness is a happy illusion that dissolves dark ones. It dissolves the darkness that feels and seems real.
January is a month to strengthen the ties that bind. Where we are not bonded we are in bondage to the situation, to our ego and to our beliefs. Other egos cannot bother us if we have less of our own ego in the way. To defend our ego is to fight for our death because our ego is even now planning our death. The ego is not our friend. Yet our biggest attachment is to the identity we’ve built up which wants to be better than others and if not it wants to be inferior in order to be different. There could be less of this false identity in us and more of Heaven as we heal and relinquish the walls of our ego.
For some January is a treasure house and it can come in any area that you seek that include both the things of this world and to what is spiritual and therefore everlasting.
In January there is the possibility that a great love can spring up. For some this is romantic love, for others it is family, friends, larger groups or even the whole world. For a rare few this love is for God and Heaven.
May you take leaps forward in love and awareness this month.
May you release the walls of your ego and let them be replaced with Heaven’s Love and power.
May you be happy beyond your wildest dreams and have joy and enjoyment be your measuring stick about how your life is meant to be.
Chuck Spezzano
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